Maria Guzman
Executive Board
Fundación Somos Vida
María Guzmán is a psychologist, writer, and life coach with over 20 years of experience. She is a native of Venezuela where she obtained her degree in Clínical Psychology and later received a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Texas. In 2013; cancer changed all of that as Ms. Guzmán was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and transformed this experience into a voice of life to help motivate cancer patients through their journey. This has inspired her to become an international motivational speaker, visionary of life and activist in raising awareness on cancer prevention among young women all over the world and inspire them to see the beauty of life in a disease. She currently serves in the Executive Board of Fundación Somos Vida; ONG dedicated to provide psychosocial and medical support to low income children with cancer in Venezuela as she continues her work in advocacy for cancer awareness and life empowerment around the world.
Sept. 13 • 14:30 – 15:30