Caroline Brummelhuis

Founder at TheNextWomenTunisie

Caroline BRUMMELHUIS Founder of the professional network TheNextWomenTunisie, Dutch, with Language & Economics Bachelor Degree of the Sorbonne University and Copenhagen Business school, was for 10 years an International Sales Director in Tourism.

Moving to Tunis, CB created her own event company ECOM in 2002, organizing events and communication strategies for private and publics clients.

In 2016, Caroline launched TheNextWomenTunisie, a professional international network to promote female entrepreneurship by creating a community for female founders and corporate profiles in order to developing business opportunities in Tunisia and abroad!

TheNextWomenTunisie organized since in the Mena region, in cooperation with public and private partners more than 100 events – networking days, training ateliers, pitch competitions, investor’s matching meetings…, and can reach out to more than 2500 business owners!


Session I: All Parents for Inclusive Management
June 18 • 9:30 – 10:45

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