Thuc Vu
CEO and co-founder
Thuc Vu’s is Graduated from Carnegie Mellon with a BS and Stanford with a PhD both in Computer Science, OhmniLabs’ CEO and co-founder Thuc Vu is an expert in Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms. His ambition is to bring robots into every home to create a positive impact in people’s life. And Kambria – a decentralized AI and Robotics platform – is his next move to bring this goal one step closer to reality. He previously founded Katango and Tappy which were quickly acquired by Google and, respectively. He also invests in early stage startups and helps grow the ecosystem in Vietnam. Apart from being an entrepreneur, Thuc is also a Research Scientist and Assistant Professor at John Von Neumann Institute of Vietnam National University. As a way to pay it forward, Thuc co-founded VietSeeds in 2011, a nonprofit organization empowering hundreds of underprivileged students with excellent academic record in Vietnam. In 2017, he was named as one of the “40 Under 40” of Silicon Valley by the Silicon Valley Business Journal for his tireless effort to bring about a significantly positive impact in the business world.
Sept. 13 • 09:30 – 10:30